Water Disruption Notification

The information below is required to be posted by the Ohio EPA for the water main repairs done on April 25. The water has since been tested and no problems were found.

From the Ripley Water Department

(937) 392-4377


Date: April 25, 2024

To: Entire Village

From: Village Administrator

Dear Water Customer:

Your water service was disrupted April 25 to allow for the repair of a water line leak. We apologize for this inconvenience. The depressurization may also cause additional disruptions in water quality, including discolored water and/or a temporary potential increase in lead levels in the drinking water.

As a standard practice the USEPA recommends the following actions to reduce possible lead exposure in drinking water:

  • If water has not been used for several hours, run the tap until there is a noticeable temperature drop. Then, run water for 30 seconds to 3 minutes before using, it for drinking and cooking. This helps flush water that may have contained lead that may have leached from plumbing.
  • Use cold water for cooking, drinking, and preparing baby formula.

Boiling the water will not reduce lead.

  • Clean your faucet aerator regularly.

For additional information visit drinktap.org or www.epa.gov/safewater/lead.

Thank you for your cooperation. Please contact Ripley Water Department at (937) 392-4377  should you have any questions.